Adult Ministry
Bible Study sessions take place on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Adult Sunday School classes are scheduled on Sundays before the Traditional Worship Service. The Ministry Teams provide many opportunities for service. Our One Another Ministry matches those needing assistance and those who have the knowledge, time, and equipment to meet the needs of our members.
Our Christian Women’s Fellowship provides opportunities for fellowship and service among the women of the Church. Our Christian Men’s Fellowship provides opportunities for fellowship and service among the men of the Church.
The church is open throughout the week to serve the community through various service organizations including the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Weight Watchers, Ozark Technical Community College adult education classes, and the Shepherd's Place meal ministry. Volunteer opportunities are available to support these functions.
The scriptures tell us to love one another and to be the servants of all. We invite you to join us in one of our various ministries of service. Contact our church office today for more information on our ministries and service opportunities.