Membership and Outreach Ministry Team
The Membership and Outreach Ministry Team focuses on service to our members and outreach to visitors and to the community. Its purpose is to maintain close contact with the entire Church membership to develop a spirit of fellowship and love within the congregation. The Membership and Outreach Ministry Team is also responsible for working to grow our Church family by reaching out to visitors and the community.
- The Membership function sends cards to members on special occasions, provides special honors on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and other special days, coordinates Sunday coffee hours and monthly fellowship dinners, and hosts annual new member luncheons.
- The Evangelism function makes contact with visitors to offer more information on the Church and to discuss their needs, schedules visitor events to bring frequent visitors together with Church leaders and members, works with the Church office to publicize Church events to the community, and represents the Church in the community.
- The Outreach function coordinates Church member volunteer efforts at the Polk County Social Ministries clothing center and the Community Outreach Ministries thrift shop, works with the CWF to prepare health kits for the annual Festival of Sharing, coordinates the collection and wrapping of gifts for Share Your Christmas, and works with the Pastor and other Church leaders to schedule and coordinate special mission projects and events.
- The One Another Ministries function develops networks of members and vendors who can provide services needed by members of the Church and responds to requests for help by linking service providers with those in need.
- The Safety function develops and coordinates procedures for responding to medical issues that may occur at the Church.