Weekly Activities

Adult Sunday School Class

Sundays | 9:25 AM

Participate in Sunday school sessions in the Sanctuary using Christian Standard Weekly Bible-Based lessons with other adults. Teachers rotate.

Coffee Hour

Sundays | 10:00 AM

Join us for coffee hour for refreshments and fellowship.

Coffee with the Pastor

Mondays | 9:00 AM

Come and join the Pastor and kick off your week with a cup of coffee and (leftover donuts from Sunday morning). This will strictly be a time of fellowship that you can attend when convenient for you to come. You are welcome to share something that's going on in your life, or just be there to encourage one another.

Praise Band Practice

Thursday | 6:00 PM

Practice with the Praise Band in the Upper Room to prepare for Sunday services.

Adult Bible Study

Tuesdays | 10:00 AM

Suspended until further notice.

Women's Bible Study

Tuesday | 6:00 PM

Suspended until further notice.

Kid's Club

Wednesdays | 3:30 PM

K - 5th grade students meet in the basement for songs, games, refreshments, crafts and a Bible Lesson.

Foundation Youth Service

Wednesday | 6:00 PM

Middle School and High School students meet in the Church basement for Worship and small group activities.

Choir Practice

Wednesday nights | 7:00 PM


Monthly Activities

Elder Meeting

Third Monday of the month | 6:00 PM

Elders meet in the Upper Room to discuss Church needs and to schedule service.

Church Board Meeting

Third Monday of the month | 7:00 PM

Board members meet in the Upper Room to report on Ministry team activities and to do Church business.

Christian Women's Fellowship Meeting

Third Tuesday of the month | 1:30 PM

Four meeting per year in February, May, August and October on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1:30 PM.

Fellowship Supper

Fourth Wednesday of the month | 6:30 PM

Join other Church members in the multipurpose room for a covered dish meal and short program.

Executive Committee Meeting

Second Wednesday of the month | 7:00 AM

Executive Committee meets with pastor in his office to discuss Church issues and provide support.

Christian Men's Fellowship Meeting

Third Saturday of the month | 8:00 AM

Meet in the kitchen for fellowship. Sometimes they work on Church projects after breakfast. All men are invited to participate.

Other Facility Use


5:30 pm - 7:30 pm | Scout Programs


9:00 am & 5:30 pm | Weight Watchers Meetings

9:00 am - 6:00 pm | OTC Adult Ed Classes


9:00 am - 6:00 pm | OTC Adult Ed Classes